
Got fired for writing “pay people a living fucking wage” on white board in front of CEO

So uh i guess i got fired but i don’t really give a fuck. I work with top executives for a major retail company. I have a good salary and ALOT of say on what goes on in the company. But apparently not enough.Ive advocated to give regular store associates $2 raises but this company absolutely refuses to do it. I know they can afford it but the CEO is so god damn greedy. We’ve had a record high of people quitting this year mostly because nobody wants to work these bullshit jobs during a pandemic. The CEO called in a meeting today to discuss why this is happening. He was genuinely confused. Each of us had to do a presentation on possible solutions for this “issue”. Each exec knew it was about the pay but were too scared to mention it. Little did they know that i have a…

So uh i guess i got fired but i don’t really give a fuck. I work with top executives for a major retail company. I have a good salary and ALOT of say on what goes on in the company. But apparently not enough.Ive advocated to give regular store associates $2 raises but this company absolutely refuses to do it. I know they can afford it but the CEO is so god damn greedy. We’ve had a record high of people quitting this year mostly because nobody wants to work these bullshit jobs during a pandemic. The CEO called in a meeting today to discuss why this is happening. He was genuinely confused. Each of us had to do a presentation on possible solutions for this “issue”. Each exec knew it was about the pay but were too scared to mention it. Little did they know that i have a new job lined up and I’m about to spit some facts. There was a white board in the room so i took a marker and said “this took alot of thought but i really really think this is the best solution” so i wrote “pay people a living fucking wage” then gave him a dead stare into his eyes-then walked out.

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