
Accreditation fraud as stress test to employees

Some context: I work in higher education institution. According to regulation from my neck of the woods, institution should be accredited to a set standard. This accreditation needs to be repeated every few years, meaning us lecturers have to prepare all those documents periodically What happened: Our for-profit institution's teaching rigor sucks, thanks to its fairly semi-open door policy. They automatically welcome anyone can pay 64k USD for 4 years, everyone else enters through selection to decide how much they pay. There was one lecturer who maintained his academic rigor and in the end he was sacked after student complained about his “brutal” standard and tough classes. However, we presented the face that we are pretty rigorous institution; so much so that we had to basically forge almost all documents pertaining to our academic rigor (syllabus, quiz and exam questions, even student works were forged). Here's the kicker: the higher-ups…

Some context:

I work in higher education institution. According to regulation from my neck of the woods, institution should be accredited to a set standard. This accreditation needs to be repeated every few years, meaning us lecturers have to prepare all those documents periodically

What happened:

Our for-profit institution's teaching rigor sucks, thanks to its fairly semi-open door policy. They automatically welcome anyone can pay 64k USD for 4 years, everyone else enters through selection to decide how much they pay. There was one lecturer who maintained his academic rigor and in the end he was sacked after student complained about his “brutal” standard and tough classes. However, we presented the face that we are pretty rigorous institution; so much so that we had to basically forge almost all documents pertaining to our academic rigor (syllabus, quiz and exam questions, even student works were forged).

Here's the kicker: the higher-ups used this forgery process to basically stress-test us and select who deserve better pay (we will implement merit pay in near future) through all this forgery. The merit pay is given based on how many credits one teach, the publication they produce, and the community service they do. Basically, if one licks the boots, they will have easier access to possible extra pay like priority for easier 1xx-level courses or more paid community services.

What's troubling me:

I loathed the process of forgery in which every tiny little detail counts so much so that it is basically hitting a moving target. On top of that, our department is VERY short-staffed. We only have like a dozen full-time lecturers handling something in the ballpark of a thousand students, meaning our load is basically enough for another dozen lecturers.

I have resignation plan in motion, but at the same time, I also want to continue to PhD level in nearby (i.e., the same metro area) more rigorous university, knowing that my current institution can at least pay part of the tuition (the rest can come from my tactical savings and salary). Should I pulled the trigger, I was tied to this forger institution for the following years after graduation depend on how long my PhD research and whether joint-fee policy is acceptable.

If I resigned after mid-2023, I could play the card that my aging parents need to be taken care of and have my national lecturer registry ID transferable to other universities, but that means I would have to run this entire forgery process for the other study program in my department again. Prior to mid-2023, if I resigned, I would have to re-register for national lecturer registry. I'm pretty confident that I could be quickly accepted to other (hopefully more honest) institution.

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