
I got fired the other day, and I’m not worried.

Food security post. It's worth starting by pointing out I'm in a special place of privilege. I get veteran's disability, which is enough to cover my housing and car payment. I have enough savings to live lean until I find a new job. What I'm about to share can still help you. There have been plenty of times in my past where I have experienced food insecurity. As a result, I took up two important habits. First, I learned where to find nonperishable food cheaply. Second, I make a habit of hoarding it. Where I'm from there are Amish-owned salvage stores that get dented cans and near-expired food. Near where I am now, there's a warehouse sale that has the same. There might be something like that near you, too. Some of them also buy up bulk Amazon returns. So my wife and I buy more than we need and…

Food security post.

It's worth starting by pointing out I'm in a special place of privilege. I get veteran's disability, which is enough to cover my housing and car payment. I have enough savings to live lean until I find a new job. What I'm about to share can still help you.

There have been plenty of times in my past where I have experienced food insecurity. As a result, I took up two important habits. First, I learned where to find nonperishable food cheaply. Second, I make a habit of hoarding it.

Where I'm from there are Amish-owned salvage stores that get dented cans and near-expired food. Near where I am now, there's a warehouse sale that has the same. There might be something like that near you, too. Some of them also buy up bulk Amazon returns.

So my wife and I buy more than we need and just store it. Tuna. Beans. Chicken broth. Rice. Vitamins. Pasta. Canned veggies and soup. Meal prep packets. Sauces. Flour. Oats. Luxury items we wouldn't buy for full price, like jerky and artichoke hearts. Lots and lots of tomato paste and canned tomatoes. Tea and coffee. Toiletries like toothpaste and toilet paper.

We also got a chest freezer and loaded it with meat and veggies we find on sale.

We had a much easier time with the pandemic because of these habits.

My ex employer offered me a pittance of a severance package with some unacceptable conditions, to include not working with affiliated organizations, nondisclosure, and forfeiture of my right to sue or discuss the terms of my termination into perpetuity. I believe they were counting on sudden poverty to twist an issue to their advantage.

I will not be accepting this package, and it's in part because I have food security.

Most people here will not have the privilege of secondary income that I have. We're all still in an adversarial game against oppressors. As in any game, those small marginal things that are in your control can make all the difference in the world. Controlling what you can will do worlds to protect you.

Edit to include: Pet food. We have well over a month of pet food on had using these habits. Some from those salvage stores, some from box pet stores that are trying to liquidate. When you see a deep sale on something your animal buddies eat, if you can afford to, buy up what you can.

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