
AntiWork Hot Take

I understand why people don't like working, but I do believe the majority of the workforce focuses on working just for money when it should be working for what you're passionate about. You'll get paid if you're good at your job no matter what you decide to pursue. Obviously, you'll get an initial pay decrease due to leaving a job, but it's better to have a side job/something to pay the bills/save money while you focus on what you need to do in order to get where you want to go. Don't spend time wishing you did this, just do it and deal with the repercussions you won't regret it long-term and it's incredibly rewarding when you finally break that struggle part.

I understand why people don't like working, but I do believe the majority of the workforce focuses on working just for money when it should be working for what you're passionate about. You'll get paid if you're good at your job no matter what you decide to pursue. Obviously, you'll get an initial pay decrease due to leaving a job, but it's better to have a side job/something to pay the bills/save money while you focus on what you need to do in order to get where you want to go. Don't spend time wishing you did this, just do it and deal with the repercussions you won't regret it long-term and it's incredibly rewarding when you finally break that struggle part.

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