
No job security for anyone at my job, plus the added bonus of managers dictating what you can and can’t do outside of work…

Recently my roommate (building materials assistant manger) was fired suddenly and without warning a couple week after our company’s General Manager found out Roommate’s student citizenship visa was expiring in 3 months. They fired him on a policy technicality. After this, a building materials manager came out that they were transitioning genders, male to female. They were suddenly fired with no warnings on a policy technicality; Apparently they were hanging out with a couple friend coworkers of the same department, but since he’s a manager hanging out with non-managers outside of work, this was grounds for termination… Now as I’m trying to find a new roommate, an assistant manager I am friends with is also looking for a new place to live. So obviously we were talking about living together, HR got wind of it and threatened to fire her if we lived under the same roof as each other,…

Recently my roommate (building materials assistant manger) was fired suddenly and without warning a couple week after our company’s General Manager found out Roommate’s student citizenship visa was expiring in 3 months. They fired him on a policy technicality. After this, a building materials manager came out that they were transitioning genders, male to female. They were suddenly fired with no warnings on a policy technicality; Apparently they were hanging out with a couple friend coworkers of the same department, but since he’s a manager hanging out with non-managers outside of work, this was grounds for termination… Now as I’m trying to find a new roommate, an assistant manager I am friends with is also looking for a new place to live. So obviously we were talking about living together, HR got wind of it and threatened to fire her if we lived under the same roof as each other, her being an assistant manager and me being a small insignificant plebeian worker.

It just sucks. That’s all.

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