
My mom got let go from her paralegal career of 30 years

I’m absolutely irate. My mother has been the best, most dedicated to her career paralegal, and her firm let her go because she has health issues that only allow her to work from home. She billed 70+ hours a week. She would wake up, start working, and not stop until she basically collapsed from exhaustion every night at like 9 PM. She’s obviously devastated and feeling incredibly betrayed. It’s just sickening to see the most kind hearted person I know have to start over at 57 after being so faithful to her career.

I’m absolutely irate. My mother has been the best, most dedicated to her career paralegal, and her firm let her go because she has health issues that only allow her to work from home. She billed 70+ hours a week. She would wake up, start working, and not stop until she basically collapsed from exhaustion every night at like 9 PM. She’s obviously devastated and feeling incredibly betrayed.

It’s just sickening to see the most kind hearted person I know have to start over at 57 after being so faithful to her career.

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