
Hey when the economy collapses let’s remember who caused it.

It's none of the suffering people around you, it's none of your neighbors, it's not even a fault in society. It's the crazy billionaire who we probably never meet in our day to day life who are truly destroying the economy by hoarding everything to themselve and the laws that allow that. When it comes down help your neighbor and let's show them that we really don't need them to thrive. And even now while it's collapsing set up car pools to help each other out on gas, share some extra soup you made that's just going to go to waste, set up a society so that when this one collapses we don't have to work as hard to start again

It's none of the suffering people around you, it's none of your neighbors, it's not even a fault in society. It's the crazy billionaire who we probably never meet in our day to day life who are truly destroying the economy by hoarding everything to themselve and the laws that allow that. When it comes down help your neighbor and let's show them that we really don't need them to thrive. And even now while it's collapsing set up car pools to help each other out on gas, share some extra soup you made that's just going to go to waste, set up a society so that when this one collapses we don't have to work as hard to start again

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