
No luck with helpers

My helpers seem to hate me I’m a plumber and have been running work for a year now, I came in as a helper and made my way up in 2+years, once I received my truck and helper I thought all was good, I think I’m cool and laid back, but soon one helper complained to my boss that I was mean, then I had another who did about the same, my next helper was a 40 year vet and he had no issues with me, then we do a helper swap and I get a 18yr old who seems no polar and has odd mood swings, I talk softly, I don’t yell, when he makes mistakes I don’t react really and just tell him it’s ok and stuff happens but I’m pretty sure he has an issue with me too and I’m SO FUCKING CONFUSED ON HOW I SHOULD…

My helpers seem to hate me

I’m a plumber and have been running work for a year now, I came in as a helper and made my way up in 2+years, once I received my truck and helper I thought all was good, I think I’m cool and laid back, but soon one helper complained to my boss that I was mean, then I had another who did about the same, my next helper was a 40 year vet and he had no issues with me, then we do a helper swap and I get a 18yr old who seems no polar and has odd mood swings, I talk softly, I don’t yell, when he makes mistakes I don’t react really and just tell him it’s ok and stuff happens but I’m pretty sure he has an issue with me too and I’m SO FUCKING CONFUSED ON HOW I SHOULD BE ACTING I make a strong effort to be better than any of my journeyman I had. But it seems to go unnoticed. I feel like no one likes me. With that being said my bosses think my work is great and I have had zero complaints about my performance, home owners love me and contractors as well. So again I’m super confused. Looking for advice

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