
I would like to tell you guys a story about the worst job i ever had

Maybe some of you can relate, but working this job just radicalized me further. So I was living in Philly and needed work and I got a job at a place called Outpatient Surgery Magazine (I dont care. Fuck them. What are they going to do, sue me? come find me, ya bastards). Anyway, The job was in Malvern, PA, so I had a 2 hour commute to work. 4 different modes of transport. Despite all this, my boss, Dan O'Connor, decided I needed to be there at 7 a.m. sharp, which was 3 hours before anyone else came in. Except for Linda, who ( you guessed it!) worked in HR. Linda would report to Dan if I came in a minute past 7 a.m. That meant that I had to get up at 4:30 a.m. to make it out there by 6:50 a.m. I would be so tired that…

Maybe some of you can relate, but working this job just radicalized me further.

So I was living in Philly and needed work and I got a job at a place called Outpatient Surgery Magazine (I dont care. Fuck them. What are they going to do, sue me? come find me, ya bastards).

Anyway, The job was in Malvern, PA, so I had a 2 hour commute to work. 4 different modes of transport. Despite all this, my boss, Dan O'Connor, decided I needed to be there at 7 a.m. sharp, which was 3 hours before anyone else came in. Except for Linda, who ( you guessed it!) worked in HR. Linda would report to Dan if I came in a minute past 7 a.m.

That meant that I had to get up at 4:30 a.m. to make it out there by 6:50 a.m. I would be so tired that I would regularly go to another spot in the office where no one ever went and curl up on the floor and sleep. I was that exhausted.

That's not just because I had to get up so early, but also because Dan said “At this job we work 9-10 hours a day” (he said this after I signed my contract.).

So I regularly got up at 4:30 and got home at about 7 p.m. It sucked.

Dan loved to play mind games with us. He would pull me into his office and say “I was ranking you against the other employees and it's interesting how my ranking came out….” And then told me to go back to my desk.

One time I had the audacity to leave 10 minutes early because a friend had a ride and he immediately wrote me an email saying “We need to talk. You left 10 minutes early” (remember, I'm already working overtime)

Once, he got so mad he came up to a coworker, balled up his fists and said “I'm so angry I could just….” and then walked away.

We all quit as soon as we could.

But the clincher was that dan, who often made me break down into tears at work, wrote to me after I quit.


Dan: “We need to talk. Consider it urgent”

Me (who had quit 2 months ago): “We don't need to talk. I don't work for you. Get bent.”

And I blocked him.

Moral of the story: Dont ever work for dickheads. And screw you, Dan O'Connor.

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