
am I a dickhead

So I started working at my pals farm when I were 12 year old I went every day after school and every weekend up until secondary school then I basically started working there full time missing lots of school an such I worked there until I were 18 an joined the army where after basic training I went an worked every weekend at the same place. I were into guitar an left me amp there so I could listen to music whilst milking the cows-about $350 worth. One day someone milks the wrong cow and the milk had to go down the drain – I'm halfway across the country mind you- got back in the weekend an the guy has put a sledgehammer through my prize amp. This was a year ago and I've now Been discharged an working fer the same bloke 'm just looking for some people to…

So I started working at my pals farm when I were 12 year old I went every day after school and every weekend up until secondary school then I basically started working there full time missing lots of school an such I worked there until I were 18 an joined the army where after basic training I went an worked every weekend at the same place. I were into guitar an left me amp there so I could listen to music whilst milking the cows-about $350 worth. One day someone milks the wrong cow and the milk had to go down the drain – I'm halfway across the country mind you- got back in the weekend an the guy has put a sledgehammer through my prize amp. This was a year ago and I've now Been discharged an working fer the same bloke 'm just looking for some people to call him a cun t tbf so I know I'm the knob head

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