
Surprised my boss by telling him “I really don’t need this job”

So I am a cripple, with a spinal injury from my time in the Marines(gotta live up to the stereotype that if you didn’t know a Marine was a Marine, wait a minute or two, he’s going to tell you). So I’m blessed in a manner and collect a monthly disability check that covers majority of my housing bills. I work to play, and because I enjoy my profession, which is Hospitality. So there I was at a new hotel I’ve started recently working at. Boss is training me, and he’s going over some stuff when he says to me “I know we didn’t really talk about it, but the Gm reviewed you resume and was wondering about how you seem to not last very long at jobs. You have excellent recommendations, and qualifications but why such a short time at each job.” “Well that’s exactly it, they were jobs…

So I am a cripple, with a spinal injury from my time in the Marines(gotta live up to the stereotype that if you didn’t know a Marine was a Marine, wait a minute or two, he’s going to tell you). So I’m blessed in a manner and collect a monthly disability check that covers majority of my housing bills. I work to play, and because I enjoy my profession, which is Hospitality.

So there I was at a new hotel I’ve started recently working at. Boss is training me, and he’s going over some stuff when he says to me “I know we didn’t really talk about it, but the Gm reviewed you resume and was wondering about how you seem to not last very long at jobs. You have excellent recommendations, and qualifications but why such a short time at each job.”

“Well that’s exactly it, they were jobs and treated their employees like servants or slaves, I don’t have to deal with bullshit, so I don’t. I asked about everything that was important to me and this job checked most of the boxes. We will find out when I’m done with training if that pay scale is true, but I do not have to work. I do not need this job. My bills are paid.”

His face…….priceless…..also. Might not have a job tomorrow. Lol. Wifey doesn’t believe it was the smartest of moves to say that to him. But we shall see.

Btw. That pay scale I was talking about…I accepted $12.50 an hour for training, because in hotels in training you really don’t do anything your shadowing and learning. So I accepted less then asked to get through training. After I’m scheduled by myself, then I’ll be asking for $15 an hour. That will decide if they are going to be a good job or will they try to beat around the bush on me.

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