So I found a new job thats giving me a 58% raise. My current job is a slowly sinking ship so im glad to be leaving. I put in my notice right after I received the job offer. Unfortunately I wasn't able to give 2 weeks notice as the new job starts next week. My managers reply to my letter of resignation was
“Due to the fact that your not giving 2 weeks notice you will never be considered for employment with us again”
I laughed thinkingwhy the fuck would anywaybe worriedabout coming back to this shithole company. I Almost wanted to say “well then let's make it 0 days notice”. the last person they hired into my department is so incompetent i feel bad for the department I work alongside as im sure they won't be any better.
The only thing im going to miss is all the Netflix I watch at work. But with the extra $16k after tax a year minimum ill quickly get over it.