
We need training programs, not diplomas

It's absolutely Ludacris that so many jobs require you have a college diploma just to be considered even of the job is something that should be entry level. For example, being a librarian or even an assistant is my dream job (besides from being a writer) but I can't even be considered cause I'm a college dropout with no plans of going back. Instead of requiring college diplomas for arbitrary reasons there should be training programs in place to get people prepared for the job. For example, my town offers a PAID training program for nursing assistants. There's literally no reason why other jobs can't do the same.

It's absolutely Ludacris that so many jobs require you have a college diploma just to be considered even of the job is something that should be entry level. For example, being a librarian or even an assistant is my dream job (besides from being a writer) but I can't even be considered cause I'm a college dropout with no plans of going back.

Instead of requiring college diplomas for arbitrary reasons there should be training programs in place to get people prepared for the job. For example, my town offers a PAID training program for nursing assistants. There's literally no reason why other jobs can't do the same.

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