
Today I got short-changed, after already tolerating verbal abuse and (mostly) immature staff.

To start this off, I'll explain that I'm a server. I work for a family owned restaurant with 3 co-owners, who are all related. I dishwash on the side for the same restaurant. I have been working here between 3-4 months now, and the longer I work here the more issues I seem to have. Some, but not all of these frequent issues include: •The 3 Owners, screaming at eachother and verbally degrading staff for making mistakes. •Normal 2-Faced Cattiness from waitstaff, but also several of the kitchen staff AND owners.. Blatantly insulting and verbally abusing eachother on a regular basis. Examples include: One of my coworkers screaming calling another one of my coworkers a bi**h, Waitstaff and Kitchen staff trash talking other servers, and the owners telling servers they're basically as bad as beginners for making simple mistakes, etc. Basically just unnecessary levels of assholery. •Having me work with…

To start this off, I'll explain that I'm a server. I work for a family owned restaurant with 3 co-owners, who are all related.

I dishwash on the side for the same restaurant. I have been working here between 3-4 months now, and the longer I work here the more issues I seem to have.

Some, but not all of these frequent issues include:

•The 3 Owners, screaming at eachother and verbally degrading staff for making mistakes.

•Normal 2-Faced Cattiness from waitstaff, but also several of the kitchen staff AND owners.. Blatantly insulting and verbally abusing eachother on a regular basis.
Examples include: One of my coworkers screaming calling another one of my coworkers a bi**h, Waitstaff and Kitchen staff trash talking other servers, and the owners telling servers they're basically as bad as beginners for making simple mistakes, etc. Basically just unnecessary levels of assholery.

•Having me work with dangerous chemicals without properly informing me first, or having caustic labels on appropriate bottles

•Unfair sections, giving bigger/better sections to the servers that have been there a long time and consistently giving me the worst sections in the restaurant even though I've proven I can handle the same or a similar workload to the other servers

I basically tolerated all of this for about a month and a half now, mostly due to the fact I need this job to not be homeless essentially.

Today I decided I was not okay with that anymore.

Between my paycheck this week, where I was shorted what appears to be approximately 30-50$ and the incident that's causing me to make this post.

I don't have a copy of my timecard so I can't prove it at the moment, but they only marked down 2 hours for dish when I avg about 10-12. I have not called out of work at all.

I had a table of regulars who comes in about once a week. They always leave me about 5$~, and are always very polite.
They had an approximatly 22$ bill today, and handed me 27$, and told me to keep the change.
I do not have access to the register still, (they won't train me to do it..) so I left it up front and asked one of the store owners for change when she had a minute.

Flashforward 10-15 minutes, and im cleaning up tables etc. I went up front to collect the tip, and realized there was only a single 1$ bill waiting for me.

I thought maybe it was a mistake, so a casually mentioned it was odd they only left me a dollar, as they're usually generous tippers and were very friendly.

She said “Maybe they made a mistake” and went on with what she was doing.
I don't how to handle this, this owner was one of the only people at the restaunt besides one fellow server who didn't consistently treat me like shit and it's got me broken down and feeling awful. I have to go back in for the second half of a double in less then an hour and I'm dreading it, I spent my first 1/2 hr home on my break crying. This is so frustrating and it feels like there's nothing I can do about it.

Does anybody have any suggestions?

Edit: Spelling mistakes

Edit 2: I'm worried about this because it makes me worry about how many times she's shorted me since I started working there that I DIDNT notice. 3$ isn't that big of a deal but if it's several times a shift, it's gotta add up quick..

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