
When it comes to corporate innovation, the employee using it is the last consideration.

I just want to rant! So I work for a big corporate and they’ve set up this new app for the field service teams to use. We are now required to log EVERYTHING we do throughout the workday on it. Like even wiping down the units or just getting billing information off it. If that wasn’t bad enough, the app does literally nothing other then send analytics to corporate so they can show clients how much work we do for them so they can up the contract rates next renewal. And of course, we’re not seeing any of that money. It doesn’t get rid of all the reporting, inventory, and service escalation request we have to send separately on the old system. So we end up double logging everything and even stuff we never had to record. Oh there’s more; it all has to be done real time. That means…

I just want to rant! So I work for a big corporate and they’ve set up this new app for the field service teams to use. We are now required to log EVERYTHING we do throughout the workday on it. Like even wiping down the units or just getting billing information off it. If that wasn’t bad enough, the app does literally nothing other then send analytics to corporate so they can show clients how much work we do for them so they can up the contract rates next renewal. And of course, we’re not seeing any of that money. It doesn’t get rid of all the reporting, inventory, and service escalation request we have to send separately on the old system. So we end up double logging everything and even stuff we never had to record.

Oh there’s more; it all has to be done real time. That means there’s a timer from start to finish on the task. We’re supposed to wait for the task ticket to show up on the app, accept the task, log the start time, then do the thing, then log end time and supplies used. They expect us to do this for every task. Even ones that would take literally two seconds.

And it doesn’t stop there. I would just say fuck it and not bother log anything but they are using these logs to track our days, so no logs = not working.

In reality this is just an inconvenience for us. But the lack of any thought into how wildly inefficient and impractical this system is for their employees just sheds more painful light onto how their only thought was how to make more money and find excuses to reprimand and make offload more work on their employees.

Anyway, the second this app lunches I’m logging every conversation with venders, every test I run, even when just I look at a unit, everything in painful detail and see how bad I can overwhelm and confuse this poorly designed thing. Hell, I might be able to avoid several hours of work logging all this info.

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