
Work makes everything feel pointless to me.

I work full time, I try to go above and beyond (which has gotten me no where), no raise, no respect, no appreciation. I don’t make terrible money but it’s not enough to go on a bunch of vacations or anything. Not that I could anyways since it took me a whole year of working to finally accrue 5 measly days of PTO. Anyways, days just feel like a blur. Days at work usually go pretty quick. But then when I get home it goes even quicker. After taking care of chores, figuring out dinner, getting groceries, then like an hour or two of free time it just feels like what’s the point? Why do I have to do all of this for an hour or two of free time? I can’t even enjoy my free time because I know work is looming over me for the next day. That…

I work full time, I try to go above and beyond (which has gotten me no where), no raise, no respect, no appreciation. I don’t make terrible money but it’s not enough to go on a bunch of vacations or anything. Not that I could anyways since it took me a whole year of working to finally accrue 5 measly days of PTO.

Anyways, days just feel like a blur. Days at work usually go pretty quick. But then when I get home it goes even quicker. After taking care of chores, figuring out dinner, getting groceries, then like an hour or two of free time it just feels like what’s the point? Why do I have to do all of this for an hour or two of free time? I can’t even enjoy my free time because I know work is looming over me for the next day. That goes for anything. I take a vacation, can’t even enjoy it because I’ll be right back at work after a few days, except more broke.

Feels like I can’t enjoy weekends because Saturday is just like a rest day and weekends are over so quick, with work looming for Monday. There’s just no end in sight. I’m only 26 but I’m sick of feeling this way. Sick of feeling like I can’t enjoy things. Sick of feeling like I should be saving the money I make but I struggle with saving now. I almost need something on order constantly just to give me something to look forward to. I hate how the only options you have as an adult are slave away or be homeless.

How are you expected to go from like 4 months off each year in grade school to pretty much no time off for the rest of your life? That’s a crazy change to adjust to and to try to accept.

Anyone have any advice to not have everything feel pointless? To me it’s not even like a mental thing because I can change my mindset but it doesn’t change the fact that I have to do something I don’t want to do every single day. “Go find something you enjoy” well the thing is every job just seems like work. I really have no problem working like part time, I don’t even hate working in general I just hate how working takes over your life.

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