
They tried to fire me, their nanny, after I quit. I laughed

To start, I just ended my 6+ years long career as a nanny. Being a household employee is extremely difficult. There may be agencies but no HR. And if someone is cruel to you then leaves for the day, you can't walk out because that is child endangerment. I just got so tired of the jealousy that arises from parents when I form a good relationship with their children. Tired of job creep, where they pile on more and more duties not related to childcare. Tired of not being able to use sick days because they have no backup, then watching them lay around with the same freaking disease. Tired of having to explain the concept of gauranteed hours, overtime, and mileage reimbursement. But above all I'm tired of these parents treating me like a child to be reprimanded as they see fit, yelled at, and disrespected. I'm a grown…

To start, I just ended my 6+ years long career as a nanny. Being a household employee is extremely difficult. There may be agencies but no HR. And if someone is cruel to you then leaves for the day, you can't walk out because that is child endangerment.

I just got so tired of the jealousy that arises from parents when I form a good relationship with their children. Tired of job creep, where they pile on more and more duties not related to childcare. Tired of not being able to use sick days because they have no backup, then watching them lay around with the same freaking disease. Tired of having to explain the concept of gauranteed hours, overtime, and mileage reimbursement. But above all I'm tired of these parents treating me like a child to be reprimanded as they see fit, yelled at, and disrespected. I'm a grown ass adult, taking care of your children from the moment the get up to the moment they go to bed, if they didn't like me you'd have an issue. I don't want your children. I'm not trying to take their love from you or replace you. I actually don't want kids at all! I was in this career to support other working women but I'd be lying if I didn't say the majority act like teenagers in highschool.

During the week I got yelled at because the mother brought her toddler into her chair while she worked. She reprimanded him for making a mess with his snack then snapped at him when he got upset and knocked over her cup. He had a total meltdown and told his mom not to yell at him. She then proceeded to yell at me for not getting him immediately. I'm not going to physically manhandle a toddler away from their parent in the middle of that shit, all while feeding a baby. If anything she would have yelled at me for stepping in and undermining her parenting.

This isn't the first time I've been yelled at, the first was for her child wanting me over her.

I requested a phone call at the end of the week to address what happened. The second she backed down on what she said and did is the moment I decided to leave. She's not sorry and she was going to do whatever she wanted in her own house. On the weekend I sent them my two weeks notice. They “told the agency” about my termination. Jokes on you, I left so your little smear campaign didn't go through. Petty, jealous, and stupid. Now they're struggling to find care because I let the agency know exactly what they did, what they said, and how they treated me beyond this week. Some people don't need a nanny, they need therapy.

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