
Work was literally sending me to an early grave. I quit 5 months ago and it was the best thing I have done for myself.

I’m 28 and I have Autism, ADHD and OCD. I’m extremely switched on for things I’m interested in and I worked in a State Hospital (Australia) in the Operating Theatres as a technician responsible for instruments and supply coordination. I found the job absolutely fascinating to the very last day. Being a state run hospital in a country with universal healthcare, we are chronically underfunded and understaffed and that hospital is the only trauma equipped hospital in the state and the only public hospital within 200km, so it is at capacity 100% of the time. My employer knew about my Autism, but I’m semi-verbal and talk off a script in all my verbal conversations and I cannot ask for help in a wide array of situations I deal deal with in my daily life. My health and mental health has always been neglected and my anxiety keeps me from seeing…

I’m 28 and I have Autism, ADHD and OCD.

I’m extremely switched on for things I’m interested in and I worked in a State Hospital (Australia) in the Operating Theatres as a technician responsible for instruments and supply coordination. I found the job absolutely fascinating to the very last day.

Being a state run hospital in a country with universal healthcare, we are chronically underfunded and understaffed and that hospital is the only trauma equipped hospital in the state and the only public hospital within 200km, so it is at capacity 100% of the time.

My employer knew about my Autism, but I’m semi-verbal and talk off a script in all my verbal conversations and I cannot ask for help in a wide array of situations I deal deal with in my daily life. My health and mental health has always been neglected and my anxiety keeps me from seeing a doctor.

I had four major breakdowns in three years and every time I’ve plucked the courage to ask for assistance, management shut me down basically telling me to deal with it or leave. So I continued on because I was scarred of losing my income.

I wanted basic accommodations: light filtering glasses, noise filtering headphones and extra time to complete tasks. Zero cost to them, would make a world of difference to me.

My last day, day I broke down, I left early to go to the chiropractor. I broke down in his office. It was a mega breakdown. I didn’t eat for two weeks and only left my room to go to the toilet. I sat in the dark.

I got a lot off my chest that I’ve never been able to share and I’ve been seeking psych help.

I quit because I got sick of putting myself through it and it wasn’t worth it. I’ve been measuring my blood pressure for years. When I worked there, it was always in the 190-200/140-150 range and it’s back at normal ranges. I told the gp this, and she said I would have had a heart attack before too long.

Sorry for the long read, this sub has helped my life tremendously.

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