
Filing complaints regarding demeaning comments?

I’m fairly new to my staff position in this department. I’m working on a large training project with a faculty member in the department who has repeatedly made negative comments about my political and religious affiliation. I haven’t disclosed either of these things to my workplace (this is pretty much why) but the continual put downs are very difficult to put up with in a training. I am thinking about filing a complaint about it, but I know my supervisor wouldn’t back me up on it and I don’t even know if I really have a case, considering it’s just comments and not anything that’s affecting my ability to do my job (I’ve been called a “stupid liberal” plenty of times…) and I haven’t asked him to stop (because that means disclosing those affiliations and maybe inviting more chaos). What would you do in this situation? I’m planning on getting…

I’m fairly new to my staff position in this department. I’m working on a large training project with a faculty member in the department who has repeatedly made negative comments about my political and religious affiliation. I haven’t disclosed either of these things to my workplace (this is pretty much why) but the continual put downs are very difficult to put up with in a training. I am thinking about filing a complaint about it, but I know my supervisor wouldn’t back me up on it and I don’t even know if I really have a case, considering it’s just comments and not anything that’s affecting my ability to do my job (I’ve been called a “stupid liberal” plenty of times…) and I haven’t asked him to stop (because that means disclosing those affiliations and maybe inviting more chaos).

What would you do in this situation? I’m planning on getting out of here as soon as humanly possible but I can’t take a lower salary right now.

Edit: I am atheist, so I guess I should have said “lack of religious affiliation”

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