
“we had a great quarter”

i have been working retail in a fish store for few months over a year, i joined under a manager who was kind to me and helped make sure we weren't burned out and always made sure we had a manageable work load. in January we got new manager. he was the song of the owner and from the start i didn't like him. he would talk to customers and always see them for there wallets (still does) he would make conversation but wouldnt stop about pushing as a much as possible, now i understand money is important but it got worse. within the months he would turn to double our work load and our staff (a lot of students) so he never has actual full time workers aside from himself and therefore doesn't need need to pay anyone more, i have been making 16$ an hour in vancouver where…

i have been working retail in a fish store for few months over a year, i joined under a manager who was kind to me and helped make sure we weren't burned out and always made sure we had a manageable work load. in January we got new manager. he was the song of the owner and from the start i didn't like him. he would talk to customers and always see them for there wallets (still does) he would make conversation but wouldnt stop about pushing as a much as possible, now i understand money is important but it got worse. within the months he would turn to double our work load and our staff (a lot of students) so he never has actual full time workers aside from himself and therefore doesn't need need to pay anyone more, i have been making 16$ an hour in vancouver where the living wage is 19$, now after a year i felt like asking a little for a raise to which he said he would think about it. he then forgot about it ignored me. i asked him a month or two later and he said “that i was costing the company money” refering to one time i needed to handle the numbers on the till at the end of the night and enter it into excel and email it. something went wrong and he didnt properly train me so i might of made mistake but instead of letting me try and go overs the numbers again he went to our accountant, the manager said that he had to pay the accountant for his time and that cost them money even though they couldnt figure out what went wrong he put that on me. i then proceeded to watch him over the weeks inact sexual misconduct with us and customers always talking about his type or how hot certain customers where after they left the store or talking to them when there buying oysters (there an aphrodisiac) he would then ask hey are you getting laid to night and the customer was disturbed and grossed out but didnt say anything. he would also let his family and some friends come into the store and walk out with over the months 100s of dollars of food he himself will take 50 dollar pieces of fish frequently and have the audicity to say i cost the company money. we are trusted by locals and have a very good reputation but behind the scenes ive seen the manager sell pretty much rotten fish and saying its “fresh” knowing its been in our plant for about a week at times and then being in the store on ice for another week, i have been taking notes on the awful things he says and have just been building against him hoping to expose this store locally. There is a lot more to this and if you want a part two id be happy to right more,

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