
Working From Home woes

So I'm trying to sort out my feelings recently about my job and trying not to get annoyed, stressed out, or anything else with my co-workers. I started this job at the tail end of covid because working in the service industry and people getting sick left and right terrified me. So, working remotely for the first time ever was like this shining ray of light. When I started, I was promised so much like PTO, Maternity/Paternity Leave, Bonuses, hell I was even told that I would be recognized regularly for doing well. In my first year, I was killing it, making tops sales agent in my department 3 months in a row, was happy to go the extra mile for my coworkers and even our clients but lately the mood and air about the job has changed. In the past year alone, we have survived a giant purge of…

So I'm trying to sort out my feelings recently about my job and trying not to get annoyed, stressed out, or anything else with my co-workers. I started this job at the tail end of covid because working in the service industry and people getting sick left and right terrified me. So, working remotely for the first time ever was like this shining ray of light. When I started, I was promised so much like PTO, Maternity/Paternity Leave, Bonuses, hell I was even told that I would be recognized regularly for doing well. In my first year, I was killing it, making tops sales agent in my department 3 months in a row, was happy to go the extra mile for my coworkers and even our clients but lately the mood and air about the job has changed. In the past year alone, we have survived a giant purge of employees in almost every department, employees who were once happy and excited began leaving left and right and now for the ones that are here were tired and stressed due to being worked to the point of just mental collapse. Between that, we are also yelled at due to so many changes by clients who have no idea that the person who was handling the case before either left or was let go. I'm not really sure who to really turn to or what to do, but like one of the worst things is how the owner talks so highly of themselves. Like, oh, when I did this, I was able to do it all and x. I'm so sick of being asked what's wrong as a department. Expressing what it is and the boss completely ignoring it and saying we need something nowhere near what we said… I guess all in all, I'm just screaming out into the ether because i was once one of the employees that drank the Kool-Aid and pushed the core values of the company…Now I'm just tired annoyed and bitter…

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