
Thoughts on this article?

Would love to hear your opinions on this bizarre article. Whole thing seems off topic for me. She doesn't seem to understand the phenomenon she's trying to talk about, and this comes off as this fortune magazine utilizing her as some sort of authoritative argument, “see this successful person thinks quiet quitting is not good so the rest of you are just being lazy and privileged”. This author wrote an article about working at Google before, mentioning she pretty much lost any chance of growth within the company in spite of highly positive performance reviews after reporting a manager for sexual harassment. Why is that experience omitted here when it's more relevant than anything mentioned?

Would love to hear your opinions on this bizarre article. Whole thing seems off topic for me. She doesn't seem to understand the phenomenon she's trying to talk about, and this comes off as this fortune magazine utilizing her as some sort of authoritative argument, “see this successful person thinks quiet quitting is not good so the rest of you are just being lazy and privileged”.

This author wrote an article about working at Google before, mentioning she pretty much lost any chance of growth within the company in spite of highly positive performance reviews after reporting a manager for sexual harassment. Why is that experience omitted here when it's more relevant than anything mentioned?

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