
Problems with upper ‘management’.

About 3 weeks ago, a director of the company came into my office through the back door, presumably so the MD wouldn’t see him, to ask me why I’d performed a task in such a way (sorry for being really vague). I answered his questions honestly and that I’d followed the company’s new protocol which I knew he was in favour of. He did not like my answer and he stormed off in the opposite direction of the managing director’s office. I then went into the MD’s office to let him know that the director wasn’t happy, the director in question came through the back door of the MD’s office where he told his side of the story and I told mine. In the MD’s office at this time there were 2 directors, the MD, and 2 company shareholders. All of the people in the office told the director in…

About 3 weeks ago, a director of the company came into my office through the back door, presumably so the MD wouldn’t see him, to ask me why I’d performed a task in such a way (sorry for being really vague). I answered his questions honestly and that I’d followed the company’s new protocol which I knew he was in favour of. He did not like my answer and he stormed off in the opposite direction of the managing director’s office.
I then went into the MD’s office to let him know that the director wasn’t happy, the director in question came through the back door of the MD’s office where he told his side of the story and I told mine. In the MD’s office at this time there were 2 directors, the MD, and 2 company shareholders. All of the people in the office told the director in question that he was wrong and I was right for following the correct procedure.

As I left the MD’s office, the door was open and the director in question started to berate me. He said “get back in your fucking office and sit on the chair like you’re supposed to. You’re fucking slacking again. What are you even doing here anyway?” As the door was open 2 other junior members of staff heard this, so all together 6 people heard him say this to me, including the managing director. This was on a Friday so I packed my stuff and told everyone I’m going home and see you all Monday.

On the Monday no one mentioned it except for the 2 junior staff members. Even the MD didn’t mention it.
Since then the director that shouted at me has come into my office multiple times to speak to people and just not acknowledged me at all.
The MD then give the director the authority to organise the Christmas party. I haven’t been asked to attend even though other members of staff have been badgered to go when they said they didn’t want to.

He has come into a room where me and 2 other members of staff have been working and shown the other people the brochure for the event they’re attending for the Christmas party, and didn’t acknowledge me still. He’s also come into the office where me and two women were working and said ‘Hello ladies!’ (I’m male).

It just feels a bit shit and helpless. Does anyone know what options I have other than just leave? I like the work and the job and people I work with but I feel like I’m getting silently bullied by upper management.

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