
Is health privacy a myth at work?

Journalist ISO workers who have had to disclose health issues, despite ADA laws, to their job to ensure their own safety. Example: One worker shared that she had epilepsy and asked HR to send out a video of what to do if someone has a seizure at work (without disclosing she was on the one with epilepsy), they said no and she had a seizure at work and no one knew what to do. Another: One person left his previous job because he didn’t want to keep his insulin in the public fridge, but the company wouldn’t let him bring his own mini-fridge. Anyone with similar stories like this that would be interested in sharing for a article? Can be anonymous if you are more comfortable! Thanks!

Journalist ISO workers who have had to disclose health issues, despite ADA laws, to their job to ensure their own safety.
Example: One worker shared that she had epilepsy and asked HR to send out a video of what to do if someone has a seizure at work (without disclosing she was on the one with epilepsy), they said no and she had a seizure at work and no one knew what to do.
Another: One person left his previous job because he didn’t want to keep his insulin in the public fridge, but the company wouldn’t let him bring his own mini-fridge.
Anyone with similar stories like this that would be interested in sharing for a article? Can be anonymous if you are more comfortable! Thanks!

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