
got offered a conditional job offer today and idk about it.

I'm not against covid vaccinations, but they require 1 flu shot and two covid shots within a month of each other before they hire me. To me this seems excessive and puts me in danger of albeit rare side effects. Myocarditis for example. I already have hearth murmurs, idk how the vaccines would affect that condition. Combined with me already having covid naturally recently, and being afraid of needles, this has me sketched the fuck out.

I'm not against covid vaccinations, but they require 1 flu shot and two covid shots within a month of each other before they hire me. To me this seems excessive and puts me in danger of albeit rare side effects. Myocarditis for example. I already have hearth murmurs, idk how the vaccines would affect that condition.

Combined with me already having covid naturally recently, and being afraid of needles, this has me sketched the fuck out.

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