
Accountants refer to wages and employees as “Liabilities”

Meanwhile investors providing capital are seen as “assets” who share in the profit of the business. Maybe someone smarter than me can put forward a better way of structuring accounts that can help people see a coherent end to (the current model of) Capitalism / Neo-Feudalism. I think language is an important step forward in communicating the ideas that we're espousing and as the old saying goes “It is easier to imagine the end to the world than an end to Capitalism”.

Meanwhile investors providing capital are seen as “assets” who share in the profit of the business. Maybe someone smarter than me can put forward a better way of structuring accounts that can help people see a coherent end to (the current model of) Capitalism / Neo-Feudalism.

I think language is an important step forward in communicating the ideas that we're espousing and as the old saying goes “It is easier to imagine the end to the world than an end to Capitalism”.

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