
are companies purposely skyrocketing prices to discourage wage-raising movements?

so we’ve all seen how inflation is starting to get pretty intense here in the US. been to a grocery store lately? a fast food business? yeah.. pretty bad. my theory is with the rising wages across the US, employers are purposefully raising prices much more than they would need to be to make up for the “lost revenue” of paying employees enough money to fuckin live. it makes sense- now’s their chance to be as greedy as they want with price raising and blame it all on their employees just wanting enough money to be self sufficient. my example of a case like this: in 2020, Mcdonald’s paid their workers in Denmark $22 (USD) an hour, and their burgers cost $4.09 (USD). in this same year, their workers in the United states made $11 (USD) an hour while burgers cost us $5.66 (USD). seems a bit strange that, despite…

so we’ve all seen how inflation is starting to get pretty intense here in the US. been to a grocery store lately? a fast food business? yeah.. pretty bad.

my theory is with the rising wages across the US, employers are purposefully raising prices much more than they would need to be to make up for the “lost revenue” of paying employees enough money to fuckin live.

it makes sense- now’s their chance to be as greedy as they want with price raising and blame it all on their employees just wanting enough money to be self sufficient.

my example of a case like this:
in 2020, Mcdonald’s paid their workers in Denmark $22 (USD) an hour, and their burgers cost $4.09 (USD).

in this same year, their workers in the United states made $11 (USD) an hour while burgers cost us $5.66 (USD).

seems a bit strange that, despite being paid half as much, our burgers are over a $1.50 more, right?

now in 2022, mcdonald’s has raised it’s wage to $15 in the US, and yet their burger prices are still skyrocketing. this doesn’t quite make sense. y’all can clearly afford to keep the prices the same in the United States if Denmark has those kinds of margins.

this is a prime example of a corporation being more than able to pay a living wage while having good prices, but not wanting to because of greed.

so remember- when corporations raise prices, it’s not because paying their workers more is something they can’t afford- it’s something they don’t want to do. so let’s stop blaming outrages pricing on fair wages and start blaming price gouging. that’s what it really is.

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