
There has to be something deeply wrong with anyone that wants to work as a police officer or prison guard in the U.S.A.

The kind of mentality it would take to stick other humans in cages, keep them there, many even without having been convicted of a crime… sometimes for years + solitary confinement in general, is beyond me. Much less for a paycheck. Not to mention the state of the prison system, legal system, and society as a whole. There are whole towns and industries that thrive on the suffering of people. And with the “war on drugs” they don't have to have done afit thing to anyone to end up there. That is the ace in the hole for the powers that be. They don't even need witnesses because it's a victimless crime. . The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.” -Fyodor Dostoevsky, from The House of the Dead (h/t Wikiquote) What does that say about the person that does it, by choice, for a living, in a country where…

The kind of mentality it would take to stick other humans in cages, keep them there, many even without having been convicted of a crime… sometimes for years + solitary confinement in general, is beyond me. Much less for a paycheck.

Not to mention the state of the prison system, legal system, and society as a whole. There are whole towns and industries that thrive on the suffering of people. And with the “war on drugs” they don't have to have done afit thing to anyone to end up there. That is the ace in the hole for the powers that be. They don't even need witnesses because it's a victimless crime.

The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.”

-Fyodor Dostoevsky, from The House of the Dead

(h/t Wikiquote)

What does that say about the person that does it, by choice, for a living, in a country where there are more people in prison, eating food not fit for a dog, in what is literally hell on earth?

These people prop up the only real threat that the powers that be really have in the United States. They jail anyone who would cause an actual problem for them. At the end of the day these people are the ones choosing to torture their fellow Americans with mass incarceration.

Sorry the “its a paycheck” excuse doesn't fly with me. Not when people are being caged like animals, many of them for “victimless crimes”.

Its not just a job… It's the largest gang in America… and every single one of them either violates the citizens basic civil rights and freedoms every day or they are first hand witnesses to one of their “co-workers” doing exactly that.

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