
I have an opportunity to possibly get my boss fired and maybe ruin her career. Try to decide if I should.

So several months ago, during a text conversation with my supervisor, who is a white woman, she sent me a gif of the N word. I am also white, and have never used that word around her or given any inclination that I do or would be comfortable with a white person saying that. Now on the the petty part of this. Over the past several months she has also made my life a living hell. Constantly underming me in front of my team, setting unrealistic goals and threatening my job if they aren't met, showing blatant favoritism to others on our team, the list goes on. And when I confront her with my greviences it's always twisted that I'm taking things the wrong way, or I misunderstood, or they just don't care. And her supervisor constantly backs her up. Multiple employees has left because of this toxicity and I'm…

So several months ago, during a text conversation with my supervisor, who is a white woman, she sent me a gif of the N word. I am also white, and have never used that word around her or given any inclination that I do or would be comfortable with a white person saying that. Now on the the petty part of this. Over the past several months she has also made my life a living hell. Constantly underming me in front of my team, setting unrealistic goals and threatening my job if they aren't met, showing blatant favoritism to others on our team, the list goes on. And when I confront her with my greviences it's always twisted that I'm taking things the wrong way, or I misunderstood, or they just don't care. And her supervisor constantly backs her up. Multiple employees has left because of this toxicity and I'm about to do the same. So now I'm trying to decide if after I quit, if perhaps I should send the screenshot to our District leader. Just for the hell she's put me through.

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