
wage slavery and the potential for workers to change the chess board (idea-contributers needed)

problem here is the restrictive nature of wage slavery, I mean someone has to fix electricity, do plumbing farm and make food, problem comes from the centralized nature of labor, when governments and corporations are responsible for organizing labor, that exploitation becomes the norm, so the idea of a timed work contract is a recipe for disaster. slavery did not end, it just changed form, instead of owning a slave, they now simply rent them. lets say there is a way to combat this , there is no way those greedy corporation are going to admit they have been wrong and change out of moral integrity, and there is no way you can violently force them to, violence wont work because of the government monopoly on violence and governments are in bed with corporations and big businesses, so the only viable option is to make them irrelevant, the most beautiful…

problem here is the restrictive nature of wage slavery, I mean someone has to fix electricity, do plumbing farm and make food, problem comes from the centralized nature of labor, when governments and corporations are responsible for organizing labor, that exploitation becomes the norm, so the idea of a timed work contract is a recipe for disaster.

slavery did not end, it just changed form, instead of owning a slave, they now simply rent them.
lets say there is a way to combat this , there is no way those greedy corporation are going to admit they have been wrong and change out of moral integrity, and there is no way you can violently force them to, violence wont work because of the government monopoly on violence and governments are in bed with corporations and big businesses, so the only viable option is to make them irrelevant, the most beautiful thing about this is that its organic and so simple.

I have an idea and I am willing to see it through to its final conclusion, so I need people who are ideologically motivated, have desire for a real change and have the needed set of skills which I am going to specify to see this thing through.

skills needed :
full stack developer
networks engineer
financial advisors
legal advisors

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