
I’m quitting my job.

As we speak, I'm quitting my job. I made a post here a few months ago about my bosses reaction to my suicide attempt. I woke up this morning with the flu, texted my boss and let her know. She didn't reply so I went to work, hoping to speak to her when I came in about my illness. She ignored me for three hours. I work directly with people's food. I can't morally give the elderly in my community the flu. So, I'm waiting until they fully unload the truck, then I'm walking out to leave her fucked and I just couldn't care any less then I already do. Edit to say: She saw the text. I was allowed to stay home but she just chooses not to let me know, made me walk all the way, and because I showed, I have to work. If I hadn't showed,…

As we speak, I'm quitting my job. I made a post here a few months ago about my bosses reaction to my suicide attempt. I woke up this morning with the flu, texted my boss and let her know. She didn't reply so I went to work, hoping to speak to her when I came in about my illness. She ignored me for three hours. I work directly with people's food. I can't morally give the elderly in my community the flu. So, I'm waiting until they fully unload the truck, then I'm walking out to leave her fucked and I just couldn't care any less then I already do.

Edit to say: She saw the text. I was allowed to stay home but she just chooses not to let me know, made me walk all the way, and because I showed, I have to work. If I hadn't showed, I was allowed to have off. It's like working with a kindergartener.

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