
False Promises = Looking for new job

I’m just venting but I’ve had enough of my current employer. I was hired earlier in the year and a lot of false promises were obviously said. On my offer letter, i was guaranteed two days remote which was going to be helpful since my wife and I welcomed our baby last month. After two months on the job, I decided to schedule my remote days and I was immediately told to revise my schedule since remote days were only for special occasions(which was never mentioned on the offer letter). When I was interviewing for the role, I made them aware of our soon to arrive baby which my boss said no problem that he’ll be “flex” with my hours. That said, after the baby was born I was told no one flexibility and that i had to be at work at exactly a certain time. So again contradiction. Lastly,…

I’m just venting but I’ve had enough of my current employer. I was hired earlier in the year and a lot of false promises were obviously said.

  • On my offer letter, i was guaranteed two days remote which was going to be helpful since my wife and I welcomed our baby last month. After two months on the job, I decided to schedule my remote days and I was immediately told to revise my schedule since remote days were only for special occasions(which was never mentioned on the offer letter).
  • When I was interviewing for the role, I made them aware of our soon to arrive baby which my boss said no problem that he’ll be “flex” with my hours. That said, after the baby was born I was told no one flexibility and that i had to be at work at exactly a certain time. So again contradiction.
  • Lastly, I got COVID back in August so my dick of a boss told me if im feeling well to work from home. Whatever no problem. I was so productive and got a lot of work done. All of a sudden my boss wanted me to write a summary of what i did each day, which i felt my integrity was being questioned. Not just that but when i first started i was told by my boss that he “doesn’t micro manage” … obviously not true

I have a couple of interviews lined up so wish me luck reddit as i hope to get the fuck out of this shit hole job

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