
Got a new job, getting weirded out by Recruiter – Has anyone ever dealt with this? Is this normal?

So I had been passively seeking a position in my field of study while working at my job of 3 years. I was reached out to by a really nice male head hunter about a position that I ended up being interested in. I interviewed and received an offer which I took after confirming the company’s legitimacy. They were aware that I was currently employed and needed to turn in my 2 week notice. I had a little over 2 weeks before my official start date when I took the offer. And then, when onboarding started and I received my list of things that had to be completed, I received a call from a female from the same recruiting company. At first she seemed quite nice and pleasant. My onboarding tasks included some time consuming/Out of the way tasks such as a Covid vaccination, flu shot, and drug screening. I…

So I had been passively seeking a position in my field of study while working at my job of 3 years. I was reached out to by a really nice male head hunter about a position that I ended up being interested in. I interviewed and received an offer which I took after confirming the company’s legitimacy. They were aware that I was currently employed and needed to turn in my 2 week notice.

I had a little over 2 weeks before my official start date when I took the offer. And then, when onboarding started and I received my list of things that had to be completed, I received a call from a female from the same recruiting company. At first she seemed quite nice and pleasant.

My onboarding tasks included some time consuming/Out of the way tasks such as a Covid vaccination, flu shot, and drug screening. I completed most of the quicker tasks right away. Within 2 days of accepting the offer I received a call from her. She had asked me if I had completed the time consuming tasks mentioned above.

I politely explained to her that due to my remaining obligation with my current job I was unable to do so just yet (due to the offices needed to do these things being closed by the time I got out of work) and that I would be sure to get it done as soon as possible.

2 days later I received another call from her, this time she came off as condescending and pushy. When I explained to her that I was planning on doing it the next day, she put me on hold and put her manager on the phone. The manager (equally as pushy and condescending) said that it was to his understanding (via his conversation with her) that I was “putting it off”. Keep in mind I still had 2 weeks before my start date. I once again explained to him that due to my remaining obligation with my current job it was difficult to make it to these places before they close, and that I made arrangements to do it the next day, having to take a full vacation day.

A few days later and many calls from her later I accomplished everything, confirmed with her that I accomplished and thought I was finally done with her and didn’t have to speak to her again. (With 10 days still until my projected start date). Sure enough she called me again the same night to ask me whether I resigned or put in my notice from my current job yet.

I explained to her that I had not yet done so as my position was conditional upon my background check coming back approved (not that I am concerned about this, but just being smart about it) and I wanted to make sure everything went smoothly and checked out before I resigned. She proceeded to get pushy again and get it done asap and let her know as soon as I did so she could put it in my “file”.

I have never dealt with a 3rd party recruiter and no employer I’ve had in the past has been this pushy during my onboarding process. Frankly, it has me weirded out. I know the company that is hiring me is legitimate and my interviewers were very nice.

Is this normal behavior for 3rd party recruiters? I know they get paid for successful recruitments. I’ve never felt this pressured starting a new job. This should be an elating time for me but it’s more anxiety inducing than anything else. Usually new employers are very welcoming and accommodating if they want your service…especially when they approach you out of nowhere (I didn’t apply, they found me from a job board site). They should be patient and understanding that you will have last minute loose ends to tie up. Not to mention it’s a life change and it shouldn’t be approached hastily.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Or anything to reassure me? Because this has me weirded out and I really hope my experience with my new company is nothing like this recruiting experience because it has been utterly uncomfortable to say the least.  

Many thanks everyone

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