
Should I get paid to attend non-mandatory company events?

Scenario: The company hosted a small event last night. I showed up early to make sure the venue was prepared and to greet employees. In between our activities I was handling getting the agenda moved along with the venue. At the end of the night, after I cleared the space by myself, I was the last person to leave. This happens at each event and makes me wonder… Should I be paid for the time and/or effort I put in during these events? I am the office admin. My duties include all facets of putting on company events. These events are not mandatory for employees. I don’t believe I HAVE to go, but it’s always sure to be scheduled on a day I’m available. If I don’t attend, this would cause much more work before and after the event. I liken it to a wedding planner not attending the wedding…

Scenario: The company hosted a small event last night. I showed up early to make sure the venue was prepared and to greet employees. In between our activities I was handling getting the agenda moved along with the venue. At the end of the night, after I cleared the space by myself, I was the last person to leave.

This happens at each event and makes me wonder…

Should I be paid for the time and/or effort I put in during these events?

I am the office admin. My duties include all facets of putting on company events. These events are not mandatory for employees.

I don’t believe I HAVE to go, but it’s always sure to be scheduled on a day I’m available. If I don’t attend, this would cause much more work before and after the event. I liken it to a wedding planner not attending the wedding to tame the chaos.

Please send me your viewpoints on this situation.

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