
Raise Request and Resulting Restructuring

I am a student worker at a University. My department is one of the lowest paying at the University. I make $12/hour in a supervisory position while most other departments offer $15/hour for entry level positions (and fast food in the area offers 15-20). I live in the fastest growing city in the region and the cost of living is growing exponentially. Being a student worker and a woman can make it difficult to speak up for what I deserve in a job. About a month and a half ago, I finally worked up the courage to ask for a raise, though I definitely didn't ask for as much as I should have. I was told that they could not guarantee anything but that they would look into it. I was updated roughly every two weeks with a vague “they're looking at the budget.” Today, I was finally told that…

I am a student worker at a University. My department is one of the lowest paying at the University. I make $12/hour in a supervisory position while most other departments offer $15/hour for entry level positions (and fast food in the area offers 15-20). I live in the fastest growing city in the region and the cost of living is growing exponentially.

Being a student worker and a woman can make it difficult to speak up for what I deserve in a job. About a month and a half ago, I finally worked up the courage to ask for a raise, though I definitely didn't ask for as much as I should have. I was told that they could not guarantee anything but that they would look into it. I was updated roughly every two weeks with a vague “they're looking at the budget.” Today, I was finally told that my asking for a raise has sparked a bigger conversation in the department and they now are re-evaluating the wages of every student worker in the department. This means that unfortunately it will be a longer process and I will likely not get any raise until Spring semester at the absolute earliest.

I'm happy that I may have been able to speak up for others who absolutely deserve to be paid more. That said, the fact that they have not bothered to look into re-evaluating until someone complained says all too much to me. I know they have known what other departments offer. And I know we have the room in the budget. Had they done this when they initially saw the disparity between departments, I likely wouldn't have needed to ask for a raise, or if I had, it would not take months for me to even get an answer. I do not doubt that despite their awareness of the low pay, they would not have changed a thing until their hands were forced. In conclusion: I'm extra glad I asked but still plenty pissed about the results.

Apologies for any formatting issues, I'm on mobile and I'm not a frequent reddit user.

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