
If I quit and don’t show up for my 2 weeks can they take any legal action against me? Sorry if this isn’t the right sub, not sure where else to go.

I'm finally quitting my job, a job which drove me to a suicide attempt over how overworked (working 45 hours a week while in college and chronically ill) and mistreated (verbal beratement in front of guests, being compared to those who've worked 10+ years there, being told I was disposable and could be fired any minute) I was, and I just can't handle having to go in for another 90 hours. I can't handle another two weeks, especially with finals coming up. I don't wanna deal with anything legal, I barely survived working there so there's no way I'd survive taking legal action and getting repaid for the definitely illegal shit they've done. But I keep getting mixed answers on wether or not I can just not show up for my two weeks notice. So… can I? Google says I can but shouldn't, but some of my coworkers from there…

I'm finally quitting my job, a job which drove me to a suicide attempt over how overworked (working 45 hours a week while in college and chronically ill) and mistreated (verbal beratement in front of guests, being compared to those who've worked 10+ years there, being told I was disposable and could be fired any minute) I was, and I just can't handle having to go in for another 90 hours. I can't handle another two weeks, especially with finals coming up.

I don't wanna deal with anything legal, I barely survived working there so there's no way I'd survive taking legal action and getting repaid for the definitely illegal shit they've done. But I keep getting mixed answers on wether or not I can just not show up for my two weeks notice.

So… can I? Google says I can but shouldn't, but some of my coworkers from there said I legally can't (though they're also completely obsessed with the system so they may have just been saying that to scare me). Will anything arise if I just don't come back? And, when I quit, I assume I shouldn't tell them I'm not planning on coming back for my two weeks… unless?

What do y'all think, what should I do?

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