
Coworker makes $8k/year more than I do for an easier job and less education

So I just found out today that my coworker (K) makes $8k more per year than I do. I am always a proponent of speaking about wages in the workplace so after 6 months of being at this company, I wanted to make sure I was being paid fairly. To start, I have a caseload of 13, soon to be 15, clients. K has a caseload of 6. K is responsible for routine checks and managing staff issues. I am responsible for medical appointment tracking, plan updates, meetings, monitoring client behavior, developing protocols for risk mitigation, and a host of other things. I spoke with her today and she makes $8k more per year than I do. We were hired within a week of each other. K has an associates degree, I have a bachelors and working on a masters. This really gives me a bad taste in my mouth…

So I just found out today that my coworker (K) makes $8k more per year than I do. I am always a proponent of speaking about wages in the workplace so after 6 months of being at this company, I wanted to make sure I was being paid fairly. To start, I have a caseload of 13, soon to be 15, clients. K has a caseload of 6. K is responsible for routine checks and managing staff issues. I am responsible for medical appointment tracking, plan updates, meetings, monitoring client behavior, developing protocols for risk mitigation, and a host of other things. I spoke with her today and she makes $8k more per year than I do. We were hired within a week of each other. K has an associates degree, I have a bachelors and working on a masters. This really gives me a bad taste in my mouth for the company, as well as a myriad of other things, and makes me want to leave.

I just want to vent about the wage disparity.

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