
My boyfriends dad died and they gave him 3 days

As the title says, it still makes my blood boil even though this happened 3 years ago in October 2019. My boyfriend delivered water for Culligan, made $16/hour and because the company only had exactly what they needed for drivers, he could never book any days off. We get a call October 7th that my FIL is in hospital, which wasn't completely abnormal for him to receive things like a migraine shot, etc… Oct 8th we were having to drive in middle of the night for 10 hours to where his dad was airflown to as he needed much more urgent care than what our rural hospitals could possibly provide. Oct 9, we said goodbye. Oct 10, the company told my SO that he basically needed to come back within that day or 2 or find another job. It was the most stressful situation ever, and if I could go…

As the title says, it still makes my blood boil even though this happened 3 years ago in October 2019. My boyfriend delivered water for Culligan, made $16/hour and because the company only had exactly what they needed for drivers, he could never book any days off.
We get a call October 7th that my FIL is in hospital, which wasn't completely abnormal for him to receive things like a migraine shot, etc… Oct 8th we were having to drive in middle of the night for 10 hours to where his dad was airflown to as he needed much more urgent care than what our rural hospitals could possibly provide. Oct 9, we said goodbye. Oct 10, the company told my SO that he basically needed to come back within that day or 2 or find another job.
It was the most stressful situation ever, and if I could go back I wish we told them to go fuck themselves, but this was pre-pandemic when it was still looked down upon to even miss a days work sick at home.
Sorry if this wasn't the right place to post, but needed to vent. Fuck companies that treat their employees this way.

Also to add, when my boyfriend first started at this company, my dad had a heart attack and was flown to same hospital 10 hours away (Kelowna BC) and because he had just started there, he wasn't able to come with me.
Fuck delivery companies that don't have any casual drivers for on call emergencies.

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