
Raise denied after a year of excellent work

TL:DR-My raise was denied and I was told I'd be receiving a larger workload. Little bit of background info: I 25M reached one year of service in my government job as an accounting assistant today. My starting pay was not bad, but not great either, so after a year of hard work and the fact that I will be taking over many of my coworkers duties when they retire next month, I decided I would respectfully ask for a raise today based on my performance this year. My annual review with my manager went better than I could have hoped, with my work being praised and the extra projects I took on being noticed and said to be very appreciated. I was even told there were other projects they would like to assign me to because my work ethic was trusted. It felt like I was in the clear to…

TL:DR-My raise was denied and I was told I'd be receiving a larger workload.

Little bit of background info: I 25M reached one year of service in my government job as an accounting assistant today. My starting pay was not bad, but not great either, so after a year of hard work and the fact that I will be taking over many of my coworkers duties when they retire next month, I decided I would respectfully ask for a raise today based on my performance this year.

My annual review with my manager went better than I could have hoped, with my work being praised and the extra projects I took on being noticed and said to be very appreciated. I was even told there were other projects they would like to assign me to because my work ethic was trusted. It felt like I was in the clear to ask for a raise with how positive the review went since I had plenty to back up the reason for a raise.

Unfortunately, when I brought up the subject of a wage adjustment, the tone immediately changed and suddenly the room felt tense. My request was met with excuse after excuse, all of which had nothing to do with me or my performance. The icing on the cake was the quote I was left with. “Government jobs aren't all about money, be grateful you have a positive work environment and happy coworkers, but if you keep working hard, maybe in the coming years your wage is something we can look at”

Nothing saying being appreciated like being told to not focus on what you're being paid. /s

Sorry for the rant, I'm just disappointed.

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