
Top 5 worst things my new boss has said to me

Context: just got my first job out of grad school at a very large corporate organization as a scientist, been there about three months. I work 40 hours/week but I’m paid hourly. My new boss is probably the worst person I’ve ever met. So here are the top five things he said to me from bad to worse. The HR guy made me hire you, I wanted the guy with the PhD. Im gonna be doing most of correspondence over the phone or in person because I don’t want a paper trail of what I say If you cry at work again then I will tell my higher ups that you won’t be able to handle a promotion. You can’t be a good scientist if you don’t work more than 40 hours a week.. but don’t log those hours, we don’t have the budget to pay you overtime. Ya know,…

Context: just got my first job out of grad school at a very large corporate organization as a scientist, been there about three months. I work 40 hours/week but I’m paid hourly. My new boss is probably the worst person I’ve ever met. So here are the top five things he said to me from bad to worse.

  1. The HR guy made me hire you, I wanted the guy with the PhD.
  2. Im gonna be doing most of correspondence over the phone or in person because I don’t want a paper trail of what I say
  3. If you cry at work again then I will tell my higher ups that you won’t be able to handle a promotion.
  4. You can’t be a good scientist if you don’t work more than 40 hours a week.. but don’t log those hours, we don’t have the budget to pay you overtime.
  5. Ya know, your sister is prettier than you.

So yeah I’m looking for new jobs already.

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