
Are brag posts allowed?

My son, 19, works his first job at McDonald's in Canada. He's in school and on assistance so he has a very strict limit of 20 hours per week he can work. Of course management either gives him so few hours it's almost not worth the bus trip, or so many he has to put his foot down and decline shifts reminding them of his limitations Recently they decided to move him from tills to kitchen which requires more training. He's not excited for the prospect and he's at 20 hours so he can't stay late or work anymore hours. His witch of a manager asked him to stay off the clock but she'll adjust tomorrow. And “it will stay between us of couse” Y'all I couldn't be prouder of his reaction. He politely and professionally declined stating that no matter when she adjusts he would still be working off…

My son, 19, works his first job at McDonald's in Canada.

He's in school and on assistance so he has a very strict limit of 20 hours per week he can work. Of course management either gives him so few hours it's almost not worth the bus trip, or so many he has to put his foot down and decline shifts reminding them of his limitations

Recently they decided to move him from tills to kitchen which requires more training. He's not excited for the prospect and he's at 20 hours so he can't stay late or work anymore hours.

His witch of a manager asked him to stay off the clock but she'll adjust tomorrow. And “it will stay between us of couse”

Y'all I couldn't be prouder of his reaction. He politely and professionally declined stating that no matter when she adjusts he would still be working off the clock which is not only not legal under Canada labour laws but could jeopardize his assistance.

He's also smart enough to get a new job before they throw him out for technicalities because, of course, since he called out her bullshit she's been up his ass for “policy” (most of which she's making up as she goes along) ever since.

Yes, he's going to report her.
Yes, he's looking for new work.
Yes, I'm one proud mama.

There is hope for the new generation of workers!

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