
Don’t want to go back to work

I’ve been on a medical LOA for the past 6 weeks. I have two more weeks before I need to return to work. I have never had a more healthy sleep schedule and my diet has improved so much. I know that it will all deteriorate when I go back because I work in customer service. I always thought I managed my anxiety regarding work well but this two month period where I was allowed to do what I wanted while I healed made me realize how big a toll on my mental health my job was taking. I applied for an apprenticeship with the electrician’s union and I while I don’t believe in God, I am praying that I get in as I don’t think I can take another year of this. I would get paid better there and not have to deal with constant understaffing, callouts, and customers…

I’ve been on a medical LOA for the past 6 weeks. I have two more weeks before I need to return to work. I have never had a more healthy sleep schedule and my diet has improved so much. I know that it will all deteriorate when I go back because I work in customer service. I always thought I managed my anxiety regarding work well but this two month period where I was allowed to do what I wanted while I healed made me realize how big a toll on my mental health my job was taking. I applied for an apprenticeship with the electrician’s union and I while I don’t believe in God, I am praying that I get in as I don’t think I can take another year of this. I would get paid better there and not have to deal with constant understaffing, callouts, and customers that dehumanize me for their own convenience.

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