
Does the thought of working for the rest of you life make you suicidal/depressed?

Why or why not? I find it extremely daunting and disheartening. And even if I did have more motivation and enthusiasm my job doesn’t like to make it easy: I’m stuck at $14/hr in my area (which is ok, we’re unionized) but you’re only able to work >30hrs which would be nice if the checks weren’t so small every week. They are even cutting hours. Presumably so the ceos of Albertsons/Safeway have a fatter Christmas bonus.

Why or why not? I find it extremely daunting and disheartening. And even if I did have more motivation and enthusiasm my job doesn’t like to make it easy:

I’m stuck at $14/hr in my area (which is ok, we’re unionized) but you’re only able to work >30hrs which would be nice if the checks weren’t so small every week. They are even cutting hours. Presumably so the ceos of Albertsons/Safeway have a fatter Christmas bonus.

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