
My boss is driving me insane

Im 18 and about to finish my first semester of college full time. I work at an ice cream shop which, yeah, isn’t the worst but we get a lot of tourists who treat it like a daycare and let Their kids do whatever which sucks. What bothers me is my boss’ overwhelming resistance to CUTTING OUR HOURS DURING THE WINTER. We are a city of like 2000, people from la buy houses and make everything way too expensive for us locals, then we have to serve them AND work under them. He also throws a fit when we ask about closing earlier(we get out at 945 on weekends) because he says it will “lose business”. If he actually knew anything, he’d realize he’s losing business because it gets dark at fucking 4 and he has us there wasting our time until almost ten. I wanna quit and do something…

Im 18 and about to finish my first semester of college full time. I work at an ice cream shop which, yeah, isn’t the worst but we get a lot of tourists who treat it like a daycare and let Their kids do whatever which sucks. What bothers me is my boss’ overwhelming resistance to CUTTING OUR HOURS DURING THE WINTER. We are a city of like 2000, people from la buy houses and make everything way too expensive for us locals, then we have to serve them AND work under them. He also throws a fit when we ask about closing earlier(we get out at 945 on weekends) because he says it will “lose business”. If he actually knew anything, he’d realize he’s losing business because it gets dark at fucking 4 and he has us there wasting our time until almost ten. I wanna quit and do something else but this has been my job for one and a half years I have no marketable skills

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