
12 Hour Shifts, one 30 min break

Like the title says every shift I’ve worked since our 1 other employee working quit (I understand why now) has been from open to close which is 9:45a-9:15p while coming in at 9 on bank run days. Now with a 12 hour you’re scheduled 1 hour unpaid for lunch but the way they want you to structure your breaks is that you can close the store for no more than 30 minutes and must open it back up and if any guests come in during your last 30 you should “pause” your lunch to assist them and then can then finish off whatever time you had remaining once they leave. There’s something that rubs me entirely the wrong way that they make me sit in a building for half of my literal entire day but only 30 minutes of that time can be for just me personally. I can go…

Like the title says every shift I’ve worked since our 1 other employee working quit (I understand why now) has been from open to close which is 9:45a-9:15p while coming in at 9 on bank run days. Now with a 12 hour you’re scheduled 1 hour unpaid for lunch but the way they want you to structure your breaks is that you can close the store for no more than 30 minutes and must open it back up and if any guests come in during your last 30 you should “pause” your lunch to assist them and then can then finish off whatever time you had remaining once they leave. There’s something that rubs me entirely the wrong way that they make me sit in a building for half of my literal entire day but only 30 minutes of that time can be for just me personally. I can go on about the god awful management and general disarray of this company but is this something that you guys think I could bring up and potentially get changed? I’ve only been here 4 months but am already looking for an out asap.

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