
Guess I’m good enough now, eh?

A little bg: I quit my terrible job in June, and started my job hunt by driving around to local offices and giving them a resume. Old fashioned, sure, but I thought it might give me an edge. I got an interview with one company and he seemed super interested in me and one of my old coworkers vouched for me, and he essentially offered me the job. He said to call him back at the end of July and we’d set up a pay rate and schedule. End of July I called him, and it turned out that my old coworker told my old boss about the job opportunity and my old boss called the new guy and told him my resume was full of lies and that hiring me would be a huge mistake. The new company said they couldn’t take the chance because their company is already…

A little bg: I quit my terrible job in June, and started my job hunt by driving around to local offices and giving them a resume. Old fashioned, sure, but I thought it might give me an edge. I got an interview with one company and he seemed super interested in me and one of my old coworkers vouched for me, and he essentially offered me the job. He said to call him back at the end of July and we’d set up a pay rate and schedule. End of July I called him, and it turned out that my old coworker told my old boss about the job opportunity and my old boss called the new guy and told him my resume was full of lies and that hiring me would be a huge mistake. The new company said they couldn’t take the chance because their company is already bleeding money. Disappointing, but whatever. I ended up scoring a new job that same week and started work the first week of august.

So it’s been about 4 months since I started working at my new job and I absolutely love every minute of it. I have been trained in several departments and found the department I perform best in, and even though I’m still a trainee now, as of January 1 I will receive my promotion and no longer be a trainee. I am so happy here.

It was last Wednesday, we were preparing for the holiday weekend, buttoning up the loose ends, when I get a phone call. It was the boss of the company who wanted to hire me but couldn’t take the chance. He said he is in desperate need of help, someone just quit on him and he needs workers and wanted to know if I was still interested in a job. Like, bro, if I was still unemployed I’d be homeless. I told him thanks but no thanks, I’m pretty happy where I’m at.

Seriously though. I wasn’t good enough to take a chance on when I needed work, but now that it’s convenient for you I’m suddenly good enough? Screw that. Good luck finding someone, it won’t be me.

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