
Welp how should i go about this?

In the beginning of November i applied and got hired for UPS (part time i wanted a side job). Upon training we ended up having a “test” on how to not hurt yourself moving boxes. As we all know people do get hurt lifting wrong etc. Well the person giving us the test asked me how i would move a box and i began to lift the proper way and was immediately scolded for doing it “wrong” lmao not a big deal so i tried again and was being EXTRA safe to try and get through it and i was told “you have to take this serious i have seen people literally break their back lifting wrong.” I laughed a little and told her my background (6 years in the Army with an infantry unit) and told her my back is a lost cause jokingly but im not an idiot…

In the beginning of November i applied and got hired for UPS (part time i wanted a side job).

Upon training we ended up having a “test” on how to not hurt yourself moving boxes. As we all know people do get hurt lifting wrong etc. Well the person giving us the test asked me how i would move a box and i began to lift the proper way and was immediately scolded for doing it “wrong” lmao not a big deal so i tried again and was being EXTRA safe to try and get through it and i was told “you have to take this serious i have seen people literally break their back lifting wrong.” I laughed a little and told her my background (6 years in the Army with an infantry unit) and told her my back is a lost cause jokingly but im not an idiot when it comes to lifting things so dont treat me like one. She failed me ofc and told me to remember UPS’s acronyms because she would specifically test me and if i fail i would be fired. At the end of the shift she told me to be ready for the next day infront of everyone and i just said “this job is not that serious to be acting like this. Its a delivery warehouse and people are launching boxes in the trucks, it would behoove of you to carry the same energy youre displaying in here out on the floor.” She told me i shouldnt bother showing up anymore and i said “sure thing”. Now it didnt seem like she fired me because she still gave me a paper to study but i ended up never going back. Its been a whole month and not a single check for my 3 days of wholesome hard labor for UPS. If anyone had been in a position where they have not been paid how would i start the process for obtaining my check i never received? Im in California btw and i am aware if i quit without notice they have 72 hours to pay me… i just want my 3 days worth

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