
“We are working on it “

I work in a hospital. For the past 18 months I have been working 7 on 7 off 10 hour shifts that usually end up being 12 hour shifts. I'm one of two people with more than 5 years here. I have been telling them for 6 months that starting December I would be transitioning to a PRN schedule. For those not medical, this means I pick and choose the days and hours I work every month. These positions don't have benefits, but the pay is usually several dollars an hour higher. With my shift differential I will be making about 40$ an hour, which means I can work 10 days a month and make the same amount of money. I have told the supervisor and her boss that if I don't have a new contract reflecting the new pay, I will not work until I do. They have tried…

I work in a hospital. For the past 18 months I have been working 7 on 7 off 10 hour shifts that usually end up being 12 hour shifts. I'm one of two people with more than 5 years here. I have been telling them for 6 months that starting December I would be transitioning to a PRN schedule.

For those not medical, this means I pick and choose the days and hours I work every month. These positions don't have benefits, but the pay is usually several dollars an hour higher. With my shift differential I will be making about 40$ an hour, which means I can work 10 days a month and make the same amount of money.

I have told the supervisor and her boss that if I don't have a new contract reflecting the new pay, I will not work until I do.

They have tried to claim that HR is working on it. So I emailed HR and was told it was never submitted. Also, here it is November 28, and still no schedule for November.

I've decided that if they don't hold their end of the bargain, my price is about to go up. They don't have any choice. Several people are quitting. I'm staying mostly to watch the lab I built sink like the Titanic while I play violin on the deck.

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