
bro what is this bullshit!?

Gas is getting up to $5 per gallon and Biden want us to go back to driving to work? Are you fucking kidding me It's like we're living in a shit show or a fucking Louis CK dark comedy drama. We have shown that we can survive working at home Why the fuck change that? As long as we have these type of leaders in charge they'll never be happy, We really have to get rid of work/old tradition it's not working anymore. Wars are still being fought nothing has changed at all. We need to destroy the system from the inside.

Gas is getting up to $5 per gallon and Biden want us to go back to driving to work? Are you fucking kidding me It's like we're living in a shit show or a fucking Louis CK dark comedy drama.

We have shown that we can survive working at home Why the fuck change that? As long as we have these type of leaders in charge they'll never be happy, We really have to get rid of work/old tradition it's not working anymore.

Wars are still being fought nothing has changed at all. We need to destroy the system from the inside.

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