
Chief quit part time job then closed store later that day.

So quick story here. I’m a firefighter and only work 2 24 hour tours a week. Sounds awesome and it is unless you get bored easily. Well my district chief like other firefighters work part time jobs especially during the winter. He got a job at a ritzy grocery store working the deli counter solely to pass time in the winter working like 16 hours a week. Now when I say my chief is a guy who gives zero fucks I truly mean it. He would always tells stories about how he would give attitude to people who fucked with him. Always saying he was blowing the minds of the pre-release prisoners working who were in awe of his zero fucks attitude. So onto the story. He was scheduled to work a day he was at the station and obviously wasn’t going to make it. Told manager he wasn’t gonna…

So quick story here. I’m a firefighter and only work 2 24 hour tours a week. Sounds awesome and it is unless you get bored easily. Well my district chief like other firefighters work part time jobs especially during the winter. He got a job at a ritzy grocery store working the deli counter solely to pass time in the winter working like 16 hours a week. Now when I say my chief is a guy who gives zero fucks I truly mean it. He would always tells stories about how he would give attitude to people who fucked with him. Always saying he was blowing the minds of the pre-release prisoners working who were in awe of his zero fucks attitude. So onto the story. He was scheduled to work a day he was at the station and obviously wasn’t going to make it. Told manager he wasn’t gonna work and manager said well it would be cause for termination. Chief laughed and left. Well that store which was in the city we work had the ansul set off in kitchen area from burnt food. Well that’s a big deal in the food industry and nothing can be done until it’s cleaned up. Not a call the chief would go on unless that chief wanted to talk to manager who fired him recently. I guess the manager didn’t realize he was a chief and the look he gave was like when I didn’t finish my book report in school. I left before I could hear the interaction, but was told the guy asked for the chief to help him out and the chief laughed in his face. Not sure of the exact measures that need to be taken for that store to open up after chief shut it down ,but I think they had to follow it to the letter of the law. Don’t think I’ve seen him smile that big since.

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